Instructions for entry in the supplementary register for other data subjects (ERsB)

Please note

This form enables the online processing of the application for the registration in the supplementary register for other data subjects (ERsB).

Legal basis:

  • § 10 Ergänzungsregisterverordnung 2022
  • § 6 Abs 4, § 6b E-Government-Gesetz

Down below you find a table with all the mandatory details that have to be filled in according to the ERsB-application form as well as the terms in German and the corresponding translation in English.


There are two versions of this form

  • "With mobile phone signature" ("mit Handy-Signatur oder ID Austria"; ERsB): Choose this form if you want to sign the form with your electronic identification (ID Austria/mobile phone signature or EU-conform eID) before submitting it.
  • "Witout mobile phone signature" ("ohne Handy-Signatur oder ID Austria"; ERsBOS): Choose this form if you want to print the form and sign it manually.

Form steps

Please note: There might be a security check (captcha) when opening the form. If there is one, please solve the puzzle and enter the solution in the input field.

German English
Umschlag Cover page
Daten des Betroffenen Data of the data subject
Rechtsträger Legal entity
Vertretungsberechtigte Person(en) Authorised representative(s)
Daten der Einbringerin / des Einbringers Data of the applicant
Kontrolle Verification
Abschluss Finish
Screenshot of the process steps

Cover page

Field name in German Field name in English
Umschlag Cover
Empfänger Recipient
Ihre Antragsnummer Your application number
Bundesministerium für Finanzen Federal ministry of Finance 

Introduction and notes

This form enables the online processing of the application for the registration in the supplementary register for other data subjects (ERsB). Once the registration is completed, you will be notified by e-mail. Please also check your spam folder regularly.

If the provided information in the application form is incomplete or incorrect, you will be asked to submit the missing or incorrect information via e-mail.

Link to the privacy statement

Screenshot of the cover page


German English
Abbrechen Cancel
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Daten am Computer speichern Save data to computer
Gespeicherte Daten laden Load saved data
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Details of the data subject

Please tick as applicable. The data subject is a ...

Field name in German Field name in English
Wohnungseigentümergemeinschaft (WEG / Ges.n.b.R) Homeowner association
sonstige Rechtsform Other legal form
Name (sonstige Bezeichnung) des sonstigen Betroffenen

Name (other designation) of the data subject

Please enter the offical legal name of the subject object.

Bestandszeitraum des sonstigen Betroffenen (seit/ab - Bestandszeitraum darf nicht in der Zukunft liegen!) Existence period of the data subject (since / as of - date must not be in the future!)
Firmensitz liegt in/im Location of the principal office
Österreich Austria
Ausland Foreign country

Address of the data subject

Field name in German Field name in English
Adresssuche Search for address (only for Austrian locations)
Straße Street
Hausnummer House number
Stock Floor
Tür Top / Apartment / Flat number
Postleitzahl Postal code
Ort City
Staat Country

Office address of the data subject (second address, e.g. delivery address)

must only be provided if it differs from the company's principal office address, e.g. business address of the responsible property management for a homeowner association

Field name in German Field name in English
Adresssuche Search for address (only for Austrian locations)
Straße Street
Hausnummer House number
Stock Floor
Tür Top / Apartment / Flat number
Postleitzahl Postal code
Ort City
Staat Country

Legal Entity

Field name in German Field name in English
Rechtsform (Ausland) Legal form (foreign country)

Please select the applicable legal form

Field name in German Field name in English
Einzelunternehmer (nicht protokolliert) Sale proprietor without enrollment in the Austrian Company Register (Firmenbuch)
Europäische Genossenschaft (SCE) European Cooperative
Europäische wirtschaftliche Interessensvereinigung European Economic Interest Group
Gemeinnützige Stiftung Non-profit Foundation
Genossenschaft Cooperative under Austrian law
Gesellschaft nach bürgerlichem Recht (Ges.n.b.R) Civil law association
Gesellschaft nach bürgerlichem Recht (Ges.n.b.R) - ARGE Private partnership
Öffentlich-rechtliche Körperschaft Public corporation
Privatstiftung Private foundation
Religionsgesellschaft Religious community
Sonstige Other legal form
Sparkasse Savings bank
Trust Trust
Trustähnliche Vereinbarung Trust-like organisation
Kirchliche Rechtsperson Church

Proof of existence

Please submit the proof of existence here. The proof of existence has to provide evidence of the existence of the data subject. The following forms of evidence may provide such proof:

  • various documents (e.g. historical founding documents, foundation deeds)
  • statutes/contracts (e.g. establishment contracts, condominium contracts)
  • various documents from other authorities (e.g. confirmations of commencement issued by tax offices, confirmations of self-employment, notices of assessed value, income/tax notices or various other notices from state governments).

According to the legal form

  • Condominium associations: especially excerpt from the land register, condominium contract, power of attorney for the respective property management
  • Foreign companies: especially excerpt from the national commercial register, articles of association, establishment agreement, business license
  • Foundations and trusts: especially deed of incorporation, deed of foundation
  • "Bringing" communities/cooperatives, water cooperatives and agricultural communities: especially notice of approval, articles of association / statues
  • Joint ventures and bidding consortia: especially cooperation agreement, contract letter

Please attach copies of the indicated proof by uploading it to this page.

Proof of existence may also result directly from a legal provision if the data subject has been established by a law or regulation. If this is the case, the reference to the relevant legal provision is sufficient proof and no further evidence needs to be provided.

Can you refer to an applicable legal provision?

Field name in German Field name in English
Ja Yes
Nein No
Bitte verweisen Sie hier auf das jeweilige Gesetz Please cite the respective legal provision here
Optionaler Upload Optional upload
Datei wählen Choose file
Bitte um entsprechende Urkunde(n) als Beilage Please attach relevant certificate(s)
Weitere Urkunden Further certificates
Weiterer Eintrag New entry

Land registry / deposit number of the property (mandatory only if "homeowner association" ("Wohnungseigentümergemeinschaft") was selected in the section "details of the data subject")

Field name in German Field name in English
Wenn bekannt, können Sie hier die Einlagezahl für die Liegenschaft aus dem Grundbuch angeben If available, here you can enter the land registry number ("Einlagezahl") of the property
Optionaler Upload (z.B. Wohnungseigentums- oder Kaufvertrag) Optional upload (e.g. condominium or purchase contract)
Datei wählen Choose file

Persons authorised to represent the company

Information on legal representation

The entry of authorised representatives is optional. Other data subjects may also be entered in the Supplementary Register for Other Data Subjects (ERsB) without specifying persons authorised to represent them. As a rule, the entry without specifying a person authorised to represent ist sufficient for subsequent purposes, such as applications for grants.

The entry of a person authorised to act as a legal representative into the ERsB authorises this person to act on behalf of the data subject concerned, if this is supported by the respective eGovernment service.

Natural and non-natural persons can be entered. A prerequisite for registration is the existence of a legal proxy or a power of attorney, which must be proven with suitable documents. Natural persons who are not registered in the Central Register of Residents (ZMR) or the Supplementary Register for natural persons (ERnP) cannot be entered as authorised representatives.

Person authorised to represent the company

Field name in German Field name in English
Neu New
Löschen Remove
Handelt es sich um eine vertretungsberechtigte natürliche oder juristische Person? Is the person authorised to represent the entity a natural or legal person?
Natürliche Person Natural person
Juristische Person Legal person
Bezeichnung der juristischen Person Name of the legal person
Firmenbuchnummer (optional) Company register number (optional)
Vorgestellter Titel Prefixed title
Vorname First name
Nachname Surname
Nachgestellter Titel Academic degree
Geburtsdatum Date of birth
Straße Street
Hausnummer House number
Postleitzahl Postal code
Stiege Floor
Tür Top / Flat / Apartment number
Ort City
Staat Country
Field name in German Field name in English
Ist die Person einzelvertretungsbefugt? Has this person the sole power of representation?
Ja Yes
Nein No
Field name in German Field name in English
Auswahl der Funktion Select the function of the person
Betriebsleiter(in) Office manager
Gesetzliche(r) Vertreter(in) Legal representative
Obmann/Obfrau Chairman / chairwoman
Handlungsbevollmächtigte(r) Authorised representative
Vertretungsbefugtes Organ Authorised representative body
Geschäftsleiter(in) Manager
Inhaber(in) Owner
Hausverwaltung Property management
Sonstige Funktion Other role
Field name in German Field name in English
Bitte fügen Sie abschließend eine Kopie eines amtlichen Lichtbildausweises hinzu Please attach a copy of an official photo ID
Nachweis der Einzelvertretungsbefugnis Proof of sole power of representation
Bitte geben Sie hier die sonstige Funktion an Please enter the other roles here (if applicable)
Datei wählen Choose file
Weiterer Eintrag New entry
Field name in German Field name in English
Bitte wählen Sie die zutreffende(n) Vollmacht(en) Please select to applicable mandates
Postvollmacht für die elektronische Zustellung Authorisation to receive mail
Vollmacht für bürgerkartentaugliche Anwendungen mandate for applications that use citizen cards or an electronic identity
Vollmacht für bürgerkartentaugliche Anwendungen der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich mandate for applications of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce that use citizen cards or an electronic identity
Vollmacht für bürgerkartentaugliche Anwendungen der österreichischem Datenschutzbehörde (DVR-Online-Archiv) mandate for applications of the Austrian Data Protection Authority that use citizen cards or an electronic identity
Vollmacht für bürgerkartentaugliche AMA-Anwendungen mandate for AMA-applications that use citizen cards or an electronic identity


Contact details of the applicant

Field name in German Field name in English
Vorgestellter Titel Prefixed title
Vorname First name
Nachname Surname
Nachgestellter Titel Academic degree
E-Mail-Adresse E-mail-address
E-Mail-Adresse (Wiederholung) Confirm e-mail-address
Telefonnummer Phone number
Straße Street
Hausnummer House number
Postleitzahl Postal code
Ort City
Staat Country
Nachweis der Berechtigung der Einbringerin / des Einbringers (Vollmacht) Proof of authorisation of the applicant (power of attorney)
Datei wählen Choose file


This section is only relevant, if you have chosen the form variant without electronic signature.

You have chosen to submit the application without a mobile phone signature.

Please note that an application is only complete and valid if signed. Since you have chosen to submit the application without a mobile phone signature, please proceed as described here:

  1. Confirm your data on the summary page
  2. By pressing the button "Absenden" a PDF file will be generated with the data provided in the application form.
  3. You will subsequently receive this PDF file via e-mail to the address you entered under "Contact details of the applicant".
  4. Please print this PDF file and sign it. Alternatively, you may sign it with a qualified electronic signature (mobile phone signature).
  5. The e-mail contains a link to another online form. Open this form and upload the signed document. Please also include the application number (format YEAR-XXXXXXX).
  6. Click on the link "Continue to cover" to return to the cover of this form.

Please keep in mind that for technical reasons, changes to the uploaded PDF file cannot be taken into account. If you need to make changes afterwards, please fill out the online form again.

Field name in German Field name in English
Antragsnummer Application number
Last update: 1 May 2024

Responsible for the content: Federal Chancellery