
Use your USP access to conveniently access the administration's online services without having to log in again (single sign-on) (announcement pursuant to section 4 paragraph 1 of the Unternehmensserviceportalgesetz - USPG):

Please note

In order to be able to use procedures at the USP, the company's USP administrator must first assign the procedure authorisation for the desired procedure to an existing user account. The user account must be personalised, otherwise it will not be possible to access the assigned procedures. Further information and detailed step-by-step instructions can be found here.

Services of the Business Service Portal

"eFormulare" is a toolkit which allows the quick creation of electronic forms for companies and residents, so that they can quickly and easily enter necessary data and attachments for a governmental procedure. Companies using the Business Service Portal (USP) can, for example, initiate the founding of a company or the relocation of a company by using "eFormulare". The form can be automatically pre-filled with data from registers.

For registered users, there is dedicated storage of application forms previously processed or submitted. More complex procedures with several forms are made available in so-called form collections, so that complete processing and submission is supported. Dedicated representatives can initiate special governmental procedures on behalf of their clients.

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Finance ( BMF)

e-start-up is a free service of the USP, which can be used to start up a company online.

Founders can carry out the entire start-up process online via the USP. The forms, questionnaires and information required for this are available centrally via the "e-start-up" service in the USP. It is essentially therefore no longer necessary to visit the various departments/authorities involved in the start-up process. 

This offer is currently available for sole proprietors and single-member GmbHs

More information on e-start-up can also be found on

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Finance ( BMF)

This service is part of the USP's tender search and enables contract authorities and their service providers to publish the so-called "metadata of the core data" for procurement procedures on in accordance with the Bundesvergabegesetz. In addition, metadata that has already been published via the USP on can be edited and deleted.

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Finance ( BMF)

With the "Elektronische Standortverlegung", the transfer of the company's location can be handled easily, quickly and free of charge online. This service is currently available for sole proprietorships without registration in the companies register.

More information on Electronic Relocation can also be found on

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Finance ( BMF)

"Mein Postkorb" is the digital mailbox for deliveries of official documents over the Internet. With Mein Postkorb, citizens, businesses and public authorities can register themselves for electronic document delivery and collect their official documents from one place.

More information on the topic of "Electronic mailbox - Mein Postkorb" can also be found on

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Finance ( BMF)

The service "Grants4Companies" suggests business grants which are relevant for your business according to their formal eligibility conditions regarding, e.g., business type or location. Follow the provided links to the websites of the funding agencies to apply for the grants.

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Finance ( BMF)

The "USP Vertretungsmanagement" provides companies with the possibility to issue mandates electronically so authorized representatives can use e-government services on behalf of another company.

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Finance ( BMF)

Services of the Federal Ministry of Finance

The service "Controlling- und Bilanzdaten Erfassungssystem (CUBE)" is used by companies and institutions with federal participation to report financial and risk controlling data.

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Finance ( BMF)

With "" you can easily send electronic invoices to the Austrian federal government. For this you either have to fill out a form, upload an electronic invoice or use a web service of your IT application.

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Finance ( BMF)

The web service is used for electronic data exchange between your customs software and the IT system of the Austrian customs administration (e-zoll). You use this service to process your electronic customs declarations.

Responsible office

Bundesministerium für Finanzen ( BMF)

All entrepreneurs with their registered office in Austria can register for FinanzOnline at any tax office.

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Finance ( BMF)

The "Kontrollsystem Automatenglücksspiel " provides an IT system for the administration of permits for slot machines for the permit countries and the permit holders there.

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Finance ( BMF)

The National Information System for Emissions-Certificate Trade (nEIS) allows traders (companies) to register, view relevant data, manage their accounts and initiate queries and requests (e.g. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting).

Note: Additional development stages of the system with additional functionalities are planned for 2023.

Responsible office

Bureau for the National Emissions-Certificate Trade in the Austrian Customs Office ( BMF).

The "Portal Zoll" service enables economic operators to electronically communicate applications for customs decisions or authorizations to the competent customs authority within the framework of the Union Customs Code (UCC).

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Finance ( BMF)

The service "Rechnungswesen Zoll" enables all companies and traders access to booking and accounting conducted by Austrian customs authority.

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Finance ( BMF)

The "Register der wirtschaftlichen Eigentümer" was established for the purpose of preventing money laundering and terrorist financing and contains data regarding the beneficial owners of companies, foundations and trusts, when they are located in Austria.

Companies registered in the register of companies, foundations, funds, trusts and associations have to register their beneficial owners. Commercial and industrial cooperatives and single person businesses do not fall under scope of the register.

More information on the topic of "Beneficial Owners Register" can also be found on

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Finance ( BMF)

The "Transparenzdatenbank" is a service for public authorities (federal ministries, highest executive bodies, federal provinces, local- and under privat law bodies and bodies authorized to make inquiries according to TDBG 2012) for the maintenance of funding cases and payment data. Access via the USP is only available to private companies that maintain the data on behalf of the authority.

The "Transparenzdatenbank" is available as an online service as well as a webservice.

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Finance ( BMF)

The "Transparenzportal " is a public sector information service that provides you with a simple and unbureaucratic general overview of available benefits/fundings. In addition, you can use the transparency portal to inquire your own received benefits/subsidies.

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Finance ( BMF)

The "VerbrauchsteuerInternetPlattform (VIP)" bundles access to customs excise procedures. The "elektronische Verbrauchsteuer-Anmeldung" (electronic excise declaration - EVA) enables the declaration of excisable goods (alcohol, beer, tobacco products, energy products (mineral oil) and intermediate products). The Excise Movement and Control System (EMCS) is used to monitor the movement of excisable goods under duty suspension between Member States. The "Altlastenbeitrag Informationssystem Zoll" (AbisZ) supplements the previous written submission of the "Altlastenbeitragsanmeldung" by an electronic transmission of the data by the economic operators online.

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Finance ( BMF)

Services of other Federal Ministries

This procedure allows companies and associations to register service providers for the E-ID (ID Austria).

Responsible office

Federal Ministry for Interior ( BMI)German text

The "Elektronisches Datenmanagement - Umwelt" (EDM) of the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology is a service with which companies and public authorities handle reporting and notification obligations as well as selected administrative procedures in the environmental sector electronically.

Responsible office

Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology ( BMK)

JustizOnline is the digital information and service platform of the Austrian judiciary. Via this platform, submissions to courts and public prosecutors can be transmitted electronically and status information on judicial proceedings can be retrieved. In addition, court and public prosecutor's files can be viewed electronically.

The administration of substitution authorizations can be carried out in USP administration as well as in USP Mandate Management. Furthermore, a fine-granular authorization administration is available in JustizOnline. This can be used for mapping complex authorization and representation structures in JustizOnline after assigning the "Authorization for Profile Administration in JustizOnline" in USP Mandate Management or in USP Administration.

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Justice ( BMJ)German Text

The Federal Ministry of Justice maintains a computerized register of lobbying and interest representation in which

  • Lobbying companies and their areas of responsibility,
  • companies that employ corporate lobbyists, as well as
  • self-governing bodies and
  • interest groups

are to be registered. Those required to register can use to submit online to the Federal Ministry of Justice the data to be entered pursuant to the Lobbying- und Interessenvertretungs-Transparenz-Gesetz (Lobbying and Interest Representation Transparency Act - LobbyG), Federal Law Gazette I No. 64/2012 as amended. The main parts of the register are publicly accessible at ( BMJ)German Text.

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Justice ( BMJ)German Text

The VAEV - System for the Administration of Proposals for Changes and Additions to the Benefit Catalogue of the BMSGPK - provides an electronic implementation of the former paper-based proposal system for the inclusion of new individual medical services (MEL) in the benefit catalogue of the BMSGPK within the framework of performance-oriented hospital financing.

Responsible body

Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection ( BMSGPK).

"Wasserdaten - Online" is part of the Water Information System Austria (WISA) and is operated on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management (BML). Via the central internet address on Business Service Portal (USP), the BML enables the electronic submission of water quality reports to the federal states by an uniform and central point of access. These water quality reports are directly uploaded to the water information systems (WIS) operated by the federal provinces respectively. All WIS applications of all federal states except Vienna are connected to the central platform for the upload of water quality reports and can be accessed via USP.

Responsible office

Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism ( BML)

Authorized weapons dealers can use this service to register firearms directly in the Central Weapons Register (ZWR).

Responsible office

Federal Ministry for Interior ( BMI)German Text

Background check means a recorded check of a person's identity, including any criminal history, as part of the assessment of an individual’' suitability. The ZÜP service enables the companies concerned to submit their applications to the BMK. The applications are managed, handled and completed within the application.

Responsible office

Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology ( BMK)German Text

Services of the Federation of Social Insurances

The DDS service is available to authorities paying out pensions to upload GL packages and GL inventories / SOPENS inventories and approve them for transfer to the Federation of Social Insurances data hub (DDS) and to download DDS feedback.

Responsible office

Federation of Social Insurances ( SV)German Text

ELDA is the electronic data exchange with Austrian social insurance institutions. ELDA Online processes all steps online, from recording the notification through to the notification protocol. All employer notifications can be recorded and sent online (online recording system for employers). In addition, sent messages can be monitored and notification confirmations can be generated retrospectively, if applicable. ELDA Online means there is no longer any need to install a programme.

Responsible office

Austrian Health Insurance Institution ( ÖGK)German Text

The CWV programme (Chronic wound treatment) is an electronic ordering system for the “Styrian wound treatment box” in the context of medical at-home care and medical wound treatment in care homes.

The CWV programme processes all steps electronically,

  • from product requests by wound managers,
  • delivery orders to the respective delivery companies,
  • through to patient-related statements for the social insurance institutions.

All product requests are automatically reviewed when sent to ensure that the insurance entitlement is applicable on the given day, check the quantities that may be approved and avoid any supply overlaps. Moreover, all product requests which are sent, including uploaded files and doctors’ assessments (approvals/rejections), are documented and archived by the social insurance institutions. You need to register with the business service portal (USP) to use CWV.

Responsible office

Austrian Health Insurance Institution ( ÖGK)German Text

Free advice provided by midwives to pregnant women in their 18th to 22nd weeks of pregnancy is an optional part of the Austrian Parents-Child Pass Examinations. Data about this health service has to be obtained to monitor and continuously improve the quality of this advice. A questionnaire has been developed for this. Midwifes (on contract with social insurance or elective) complete the questionnaire when providing an expectant mother with advice. After the consultation they add additional answers.

Responsible office

Federation of Social Insurances ( SV)German Text

MeineUV offers employers, businesses and organisations a secure, mutual information and data exchange with the statutory accident insurance institutions.

After logging in via the USP, personalised offers and secure electronic reporting options are made available, e.g.:

  • Report work/occupational accident
  • Report occupational disease
  • Apply for subsidy after sickness benefit
  • Register for or deregister from partial accident insurance 

Responsible office

General accident insurance institution ( AUVA)German text

This application can be used to place orders for medical products.

Responsible office

Federation of Social Insurances ( SV)German Text

Insured persons and contractual partners can use the LEA search to find health care providers based on specific criteria.

Responsible office

Federation of Social Insurances ( SV)German Text

When employers submit information to the social insurance institution, it is important that the social insurance institution can also send electronic responses to the employer organisation. For this purpose a clear allocation of the social insurance case and the corresponding employer organisation is necessary.

This allocation can be done by employers, employees or persons instructed by them by using the allocation application for social insurance clearing system.

More information about the "SV-Clearingsystem Zuordnungsanwendung" can also be found on or on the website of the Austrian Social Insurance ( SV)German Text.

Responsible office

Federation of Social Insurances ( SV)German Text

Allows tax representatives of persons being insured with Social Insurance Institution for the Self-Employed (SVS) to access premium notices, annual and balance overviews and information on the contribution base. For the time being, this information is only available for traders, the new self-employed and freelancers. An ID Austria ( is necessary for the login.

Responsible office

Social Insurance Institution for the Self-Employed ( SVS)German Text

VPA Online is a free social insurance service for contractual partners to provide secure electronic data exchange using the ID Austria (; it ensures that electronic settlement can also be provided to contractual partners for whom a commercial software solution would not make economic sense.

Responsible office

Federation of Social Insurances ( SV)German Text

The KVGV provides contractual partners with information about health insurance claims and the relationship with dependants.

Responsible office

Federation of Social Insurances ( SV)German Text

The WEBEKU project is used to implement online account information. Clients are shown an up-to-date view of their contribution account with the Austrian Health Insurance Institution (ÖGK) and the Health Insurance Institution for Public Service Employees, Rail and Mining (BVAEB).

Companies subject to employer indemnity can also view their employee account.

A secure communication channel ensures that personal data can be securely sent to the social insurance institutions in electronic applications (e.g. balance payment, rebooking, clearance certificate, granting or amendment of SEPA direct debit, power of attorney).

Moreover, initial and renewal applications can be added to the list of companies not subject to indemnity and applications for AGH balance payments can be sent to the service centre responsible for employer indemnity.

In addition, employee status and employee insurance number can be queried. Feedback from the social insurance clearing system is also displayed.

Additionally, detailed information on the posted monthly basic contribution notification can be displayed or exported, e.g. mBGM (package) status, reference value etc.

Responsible office

Austrian Health Insurance Institution ( ÖGK)German Text

Services of EU Institutions

The service "Portal for EU Business - Administrative System for Customs Decisions" enables economic operators to electronically communicate applications for customs decisions or authorizations to the competent customs authority within the framework of the Union Customs Code (UCC).

Responsible office

European Commission ( EC)

The service "EU Trader Portal" is a generic portal of the European Commission by integrating specific trader portals (customs IT services) in a uniform way and can be reached via one and the same access. In parallel to the generic functionalities, such as the draft management or the management of attachments, you can apply for and manage different types of decisions/approvals/certifications here. In the business service portal, the specific trader portals to BTI, INF and REX are already integrated. Others are in the planning stage.

Responsible office

European Commission ( EC)

Other services (nationwide)

The Energy Performance Certificate Database (EADB) is set up as a separate database connected to the Address, Buildings and Dwellings Register (AGWR). In order to use the EADB, it is necessary to have a role and a right set up for access to the AGWR and a role and a right set up for access to the EADB. This means that two services have to be applied.

Responsible office

Statistics Austria

This service enables slaughterhouses and dairies to record and register their contribution declarations for the agricultural marketing contribution online.

Responsible office

Agrarmarkt Austria ( AMA)German text

This procedure makes it possible to submit and manage funding applications for sector (beekeeping, fruit and vegetables, wine) and project measures (rural development) under GSP 2023-2027 via eAMA.

Responsible office

Agrarmarkt Austria ( AMA)German text

This service enables online recording of stock levels, prices and quantities of different product categories along the value chain.

Responsible office

Agrarmarkt Austria ( AMA)German text

This process enables reports to be made in accordance with the Milk Reporting Regulation.

Responsible office

Agrarmarkt Austria ( AMA)German Text

This process enables reports to be made to the cattle database in accordance with the Cattle Identification Regulation.

Responsible office

Agrarmarkt Austria ( AMA)German Text

This service enables the management of consents for contracted data deliveries from the AMA to specific data recipients.

Responsible office

Agrarmarkt Austria ( AMA)German text

Since the amendment to the Bundes-Energieeffizienzgesetz (EEffG) came into force, the E-Control monitoring body has been tasked with providing an "electronic reporting platform" as a secure communication interface to E-Control for various reports under the EEffG.

The first part of the electronic reporting platform for reports under the EEffG is available.

Responsible office


The "aws Fördermanager" is a service in which aws customers and cooperation partners can submit funding applications and documents electronically and view the application status and contracts.

Responsible office

Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH ( aws)German Text

BAES eServices is a platform that allows companies to handle obligations to report as well as selected administrative procedures with BAES electronically.

Responsible office

Federal Office for Food Safety ( BAES)German Text

The protected Website-area supports the flow of information between the Ministry, the Federal Office for Food Safety (BAES), the Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) and official institutions. All information for the performance of official activities is made available.

Responsible office

Federal Office for Food Safety ( BAES)German Text

The Social Ministry Service (Federal Office for Social Affairs and Disability) supports companies (project sponsors) to implement various offers within the framework of projects (e.g. youth coaching, work assistance, job coaching). The aim of these projects is the professional integration of people with disabilities and young people with disadvantages. The ongoing cooperation between the project sponsors and the Social Ministry Service is carried out via the applications "Project Funding" and "Monitoring Vocational Integration".

  • Project funding
    The Social Ministry Service (Federal Office for Social Affairs and Disability) finances companies (project sponsors) within the framework of project funding. The project sponsors implement various offers for the vocational integration of people with disabilities and young people with disadvantages. Processing requires close cooperation between the project sponsors and the Social Ministry Service and is carried out via the "Project sponsorships" application.
  • Monitoring vocational integration (MBI)
    The Social Ministry Service and the project sponsors use the application "Monitoring vocational integration" (MBI) to record and manage participation in funding projects in order to optimize and evaluate the funding offers.

Responsible office

Social Ministry Service ( BMSGKP)German Text

The eBUAK portal is available for the communication of bad weather reports, holiday remuneration submissions, supplement reports, supplement payments by employers, and construction site reports, and to view your account information.

Responsible office

Construction Workers’ Annual Leave and Severance Pay Fund ( BUAK)

eCall is the electronic customer centre of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). The eCall system is used for submitting applications for project funding and for managing projects. Project-related communication between customers and the FFG also takes place via the eCall system.

Responsible office

Austrian Research Promotion Agency ( FFG)German Text

According to the Gebäude- und Wohnungsregistergesetz (GWR), Federal Law Gazette. I No. 9/2004,  amended by Federal Law Gazette. I No. 1/2013), Statistics Austria has to set up a separate database ( the "Energieausweisdatenbank" -  Energy Performance Certificate Database) connected to the Buildings and Dwellings Register for electronic registration of energy performance certificates. It is up to the federal provinces whether they impose the registration obligation in the central "Energieausweisdatenbank" (EADB) or in their own database.

Energy performance certificates for properties in federal provinces with own databases cannot be registered directly in the central EADB. The registration must be done in advance in the federal state database. The energy performance certificate entered in the country database will subsequently be transferred from this database to the EADB.

If you are registered in the USP, please check whether you have already been assigned the application EADB. If you have not yet been automatically authorized for the application, please send us a short e-mail with the following information: Company name, name of the managing director, address and company register number or UID to We will then arrange the activation and inform you as soon as access via the USP is possible.

Attention: The Energieausweisdatenbank (EADB) is set up as a separate database connected to the Adress-, Gebäude- und Wohnungsregister (AGWR). In order to use the EADB, it is necessary to have a role and a right set up for access to the AGWR and a role and a right set up for access to the EADB. This means that two applications have to be made.

Responsible office

Statistics Austria

"eQuest-Web" is Statistics Austria's central electronic reporting system for business surveys. In the questionnaires integrated in it, functions such as input checks, automatic totals, export and import of data or the hiding of questions that do not concern the respondent ensure that reports can be created quickly and easily. The reporting medium "eQuest-Web" thus represents a significant contribution by Statistics Austria to minimizing the burden on respondents resulting from surveys.

Responsible office

Statistics Austria

Statistics Austria is in accordance with paragraph 21 Federal Statistics Act 2000 (Federal Law Gazette I No. 163/1999, as amended by Federal Law Gazette I No. 111/2010) required to provide all Austrian companies in writing and free communication on its classificatory mapping available. This is the task of the "classifications notification" project. The classification notification is currently still sent by post. The enterprises can transmit their answer to Statistics Austria by post, fax, telephone, email or electronically via Web Application. Electronic feedback can currently be sent via the Business Service Portal or the Statistics Austria portal.

In the electronic application, the enterprise can view and print out its classificatory assignment at any time and can also send information to Statistics Austria about on the economic activities performed and its locations to Statistics Austria. The classification of a company is also becoming more and more important for non-statistical purposes, which is why the correctness and actuality of the ÖNACE allocation is of great importance both for statistical purposes and for the company itself.

Responsible office

Statistics Austria

Portal of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Portal for all services provided by the Oesterreichische Nationalbank and Geldservice Austria

TEST portal of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Test portal for all services provided by the Oesterreichische Nationalbank and Geldservice Austria

Responsible office

Oesterreichische Nationalbank ( OeNB)German Text

Pursuant to article 121 paragraph 4 of the Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz and section 14a of the Rechnungshofgesetz, the Court of Audit is required to conduct an income survey of enterprises and institutions in the public sector every second year. In this context, the average incomes and pension benefits of members of the management board and supervisory board and of all employees of each enterprise or institution are to be surveyed and published in a report after submission to the National Council.

Responsible office

Court of Audit ( RH)

Services of the Federal Provinces

The AMF is a service for the directive-compliant processing of grant applications from the Department of Society and Labor of the Office of the Tyrolean Provincial Government.

  • In certain areas, the service can be used by recognized educational institutions to electronically report the evidence required for the payment of subsidies.
  • This makes life much easier for course participants, as confirmation of participation and payment of course costs can be made directly between the educational institutions and the funding office

Responsible office

Federal Province Tyrol ( Land Tirol)German Text

With this service you can carry out the declaration of contributions online. In addition, you can check declarations that have already been submitted.

When submitting the declaration, the tourism promotion contribution is automatically calculated for you based on your turnover (sum of all income from the activity subject to contribution in the second preceding year). At the same time, you can also submit amendments to your master data.

Further information can be found on the website of the Federal Province of BurgenlandGerman Text

Responsible office

Federal Province Burgenland ( Land Burgenland)German Text

In the Burgenland heating and air conditioning database (HKADB), heating systems as well as air conditioning systems and heat pumps from a certain nominal heat output are to be recorded. Authorized inspectors record these systems in the database. Authorities monitor compliance with the inspection intervals and thus guarantee effective rectification of defects in accordance with legal requirements (Burgenländisches Heizungs- und Klimaanlagengesetz)

Responsible office

Federal Province Burgenland ( Land Burgenland)German Text

Services of Federal Province Tyrol

Responsible office

Federal Province Tyrol ( Land Tirol)German text

Service to assist in the approval of vehicles and the approval of vehicle modifications in Lower Austria and other federal provinces.

Responsible office

Federal Province Lower Austria ( Land Niederösterreich)German Text

This service allows you to submit the online forms to the Land Burgenland and the district authorities of the Land Burgenland (burgenländische Bezirkshauptmannschaften).


  • Landscape protection fee – Declaration of levy according to the Naturschutz- und Landschaftspflegegesetz (NG 1990)
  • Application for compensation for loss of income according to paragraph 32 Epidemiegesetz 1950

Responsible office

Land Burgenland German text

The service imap is a central geographical information system of the Office of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria for display and acquisition of geo data.

Responsible office

Federal Province Lower Austria ( Land Niederösterreich)German Text

The Lower Austrian Childcare Service is used for the centralised registration and updating of daycare facilities in Lower Austria. In addition, daycare centres in Lower Austria have the opportunity to apply for funding.

Responsible office

Federal Province Lower Austria ( Land Niederösterreich)German Text 

Services of Federal Province Salzburg (electronic requests, tourist tax, betting businesses etc.)

Responsible office

Federal Province Salzburg ( Land Salzburg)German Text

The Vienna Repair Voucher scheme gives an incentive for people to have items repaired rather than replacing them by new ones.

Responsible office

City of Vienna - Environmental protection ( Stadt Wien - MA 22)

Under the name "Wiener unabhängiges Kontrollsystem für Energieausweise" (WUKSEA), the City of Vienna maintains an energy performance certificate database for the quality-assured registration of energy performance certificates for Viennese buildings.
All energy performance certificates for Viennese buildings issued as of 23 June 2015 are to be registered in this database in accordance with the scope of the Verordnung über die Indikatoren in der Energieausweisdatenbank (State Law Gazette for Vienna No. 23/2015 of 22 June 2015). According to the Gebäude- und Wohnungsregister-Gesetz (GWR-Act) and section 118a paragraph 3 of the Bauordnung für Wien (BO) registration of the energy performance certificate data is required for each building.
For more information on "WUKSEA", please visit the website of the City of Vienna.

Responsible office

Building Inspection ( MA 37)

The USP provides access to these applications, which are provided and operated by the respective institutions (responsible participants according to section 5 para 2 USPG) on their own responsibility. Additional applications will be connected on an ongoing basis and announced accordingly in this list. For further information on the use of the USP, please refer to the Terms of Use.

Last update: 2 July 2024

Responsible for the content: Federal Chancellery