Commercial funding for tourism: business stabilisation
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General information
The aim of the Tourism Business Stabilisation Directive (Tourismus-Unternehmensstabilisierungs-Richtlinie) is to support small and medium-sized enterprises that are in financial difficulty but have a long-term chance of success, with the help of non-material and financial measures and to restore their economic stability.
Funding is provided by:
- assuming liability (liability ratio of 80 percent for a liability amount of at least 100 000 Euro and a maximum of 4 million Euro) for a restructured loan;
- granting an interest subsidy of a maximum of 2 percent per year (term: 10 years) for a restructured loan (minimum 100 000 Euro, maximum 2 million Euro); or
- non-material support and drawing up a business stabilisation concept.
Support in the form of liability or an interest subsidy is only possible if the respective province grants additional funding of at least the same amount.
You can find an overview of the additional funding granted by the provinces on the → OeHT’s product page.
Enterprises affected
SMEs in the fields of accommodation and catering that are in difficulty according to the European Commission’s General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER) and are considered leading companies (5 percent of local overnight stays) or are about to hand over their business.
These rules apply to entrepreneurs from EU Member States in Austria.
Applications can be submitted at any time
Competent authority
Austrian Hotel and Tourism Bank (→ OeHT)German text
Parkring 12a
1010 Vienna
The application for funding must be submitted to the OeHT, which also administers the remainder of the process, from reviewing the application, through making the decision, to ultimately disbursing the payment. Applications must be submitted via the → OeHT client portal.
Required documents
The documents required will be listed on the → OeHT’s product page and/or during submission via the OeHT client portal.
Costs and fees
The current costs are listed on the → OeHT’s product page.
Legal bases
Link to form
Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy