Catering trade – Changes of opening and closing hours
table of content
General information
Basically, the provincial governor stipulates any opening and closing hours for the individual types of catering establishments by way of decree. The competent authority may, however, grant any earlier opening hours, or later closing hours, respectively, upon application.
Please note
Certain limitations may apply depending on certain conditions.
No special time-limits need be observed.
Competent authority
- The municipalityGerman text which the catering establishment is located in.
Please note
If the closing and opening hours in any further business establishment are concerned, applications must be submitted to the competent municipality.
Applications can be made in person, in writing, or also electronically. The municipality makes the relevant decision with any other public interests in mind.
Please note
Licences are not granted if the neighbourhood has been unreasonably molested repeatedly by any non-punishable behaviour of guests outside the premises of the catering establishment, or if the landladies/landlords of any catering establishment have been repeatedly sentenced by a court of law for violating orders concerning opening and closing hours.
Last-resort municipality decrees are subject to appeal to the Federal Administrative Court.
Required documents
No special documents are necessary.
Costs and fees
There are no stamp duties and federal administration fees (section 333a of the Gewerbeordnung).
Legal bases
section 113 paragraph 3 of the Gewerbeordnung (GewO)
Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy