Hazardous waste and POP waste – Drawing up of a waybill
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General information
For each transfer of hazardous waste or of POP waste (hazardous or non-hazardous) from one legal person to another legal person the person transferring the waste has to draw up, and keep during shipment, a waybill [Begleitschein]. The waybill must indicate indicating the type, quantity, origin and whereabouts of the hazardous waste.
Each waybill must bear the indication "Begleitschein für gefährlichen Abfall und für POP-Abfall" (meaning "waybill for hazardous waste and for POP waste") and a waybill number which may be assigned once only.
All entries on the waybills must be written clearly.
The person taking over the waste must confirm the proper receipt of the hazardous waste or the POP waste and add specific data on the waybill.
The notification to the Provincial Governor has to be made electronically by the person taking over the waste via the register on edm.gv.at.
Please note
For problematic materials, there is no obligation to provide a waybill. Problematic material are hazardous wastes that are typically produced in private households. Also hazardous wastes from business establishments may be regarded as problematic materials, if they are comparable in terms of type and quantity to hazardous waste generated in private households. Hazardous wastes can be problematic materials only as long as they are held by the original waste producer. Also the transfer of hazardous waste and of POP waste by private households is not subject to the obligation to provide a waybill.
Enterprises affected
Persons transferring waste where they transfer hazardous waste or POP waste
In general, these regulations also apply to business owners from other countries, e.g. EU Member States who are operating within Austria.
The transfer of hazardous waste from one legal person to another legal person
The waybill shall be handed over immediately upon transfer of the hazardous waste or the POP waste and shall be carried during Transport.
Please note
The person taking over the hazardous waste or the POP waste must, within six weeks following the last day of the month in which he/she took over the waste, electronically report the waybill data to the Provincial Governor via the register edm.gv.at .
The person taking over the hazardous waste or the POP waste must, within four weeks following the last day of the month in which he/she took over the waste, forward a transcript or a carbon copy or duplicate of the waybill to the person who transferred the waste.
Competent authority
The Provincial GovernorGerman text
The holder of the business establishment (transferor of the waste) completes the waybill and retains a carbon copy or duplicate which he/she has to keep on file for at least seven years, calculated from the day of transfer.
The carrier who takes the waste to a waste collector or an operator of waste treatment facilities (person taking over the waste) retains the original copy of the waybill during transport and passes it on to the person taking over the waste.
The person taking over the waste supplements the waybill data on the original copy of the waybill, creates a transcript or a carbon copy or duplicate of the waybill and forwards it to the transferor of the waste within four weeks following the last day of the month in which he/she took over the waste.
The person taking over the waste reports the waybill data to the Provincial Governor electronically within six weeks following the takeover of the hazardous waste. The data have to be reported electronically via edm.gv.at.
The waybills (and copies) must be kept on file at the business establishment for at least seven years and have to be presented to the competent body at any time on request.
Costs and fees
No tariffs or duties have to be paid.
Further information
- Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP) (→ BMK)German text
- Waybill notification of the person taking over the waste
Legal bases
- section 18 of the Abfallwirtschaftsgesetz (Waste Management Act – AWG)
- sections 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 of the Abfallnachweisverordnung (Waste Records Ordinance – ANV)
Link to form
- WaybillGerman text
- edm.gv.at (→ BMK)German text
Entrepreneurs registered in the Business Service Portal USP have the possibility to use EDM and many other online proceduresGerman text with one single logging into the USP. More detailed information on registration in the USP is available in the online guidance on USP registration online guidance on USP registrationGerman text.
Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology