Income tax return

General information

In principle you are obliged to submit an income tax return whenever you are prompted to do so by the tax office, i.e. when an income tax return is sent to you.

If you are not prompted, then you need to determine whether or not your income includes income that is subject to wage tax.

Enterprises affected

Natural persons with taxable income:

Companies with a corporate structure (in particular limited companies and PLCs are subject to corporate income tax and must submit a corporate income tax return (Form K).


In general, these regulations also apply to all traders from EU Member States in Austria.


Those with unrestricted tax liability (persons domiciled in Austria or whose usual place of residence is in Austria) are required to submit an income tax return, in particular in those cases in which the tax-free basic income is exceeded and more than one source of income that is liable to wage tax is present:

  • If the income contains no income that is liable to wage tax and exceeds 12,816 Euro (in the year 2024)
  • If the income includes income that is liable to wage tax, but in addition other income totalling more than 730 Euro is received and total income exceeds 12,756 Euro (in the year 2024)
  • If two or more non-self-employed jobs are held simultaneously, or two or more pensions (that have not had tax jointly deducted by a pension provider) are drawn and income amounts to more than 12,756 Euro
  • Generally also where income from capital assets is drawn that is subject to the special 27.5 per cent tax band but is not subject to capital yields tax (KESt) (in particular, income from foreign capital)
  • Where income from private sales of land as defined in Section 30 of the EStG is received, on which no property income tax ( has been paid

Regardless of the level of income, those liable for income tax who keep accounts must submit an income tax return.

You can assume, therefore, that as a trader you will usually be required to submit an income tax return – and will in all cases have to do so if, as a person with unrestricted tax liability, your annual income rises above 12,816 Euro.

It is advisable for entrepreneurs to file a tax return even if they have incurred a loss because, depending on the reason for and extent of the loss, it will then serve legally as written evidence for the purposes of carrying the loss forward.

On the tax return, your income and all other tax-related matters for the relevant calendar year are disclosed (in particular, your level of income, deductible special expenses and exceptional costs).


Deadline for submission of the tax return:

Submission of tax return in paper form

30 April of the following year

Electronic submission of return (via FinanzOnline)

 30 June of the following year

These deadlines may be extended in response to a justifiable request. Such a request can also be submitted via FinanzOnline under Input/Applications/Extension of deadline. You may also qualify for a longer deadline if you are represented by a tax advisor.

Competent authority

In principle, the Tax Authority Austria, provided that the Tax Authority for Large Traders is not responsible.


  • Please note that you are obliged in principle to submit the income tax return electronically via FinanzOnline (entries/returns). This obligation also extends to the submission of certain attachments.
  • Traders who keep accounts must enclose their balance sheet and profit-and-loss account or, in the case of an electronic tax return, submit these to the tax office. They can also be submitted electronically (‘e-accounts’).
  • For the purpose of calculating income and expenditure, Attachment E 1a includes a standardised layout for business income and expenditure. You do not need to submit a further account of income and expenditure in paper form.
  • If the lack of the technical requirements (e.g. absence of an internet connection) makes it impossible for the taxpayer to submit the income tax return by electronic means, entrepreneurs must submit it to the competent tax office in written form using the income tax return form E 1.
  • Moreover, the obligation to submit via FinanzOnline applies only to taxpayers who are required to submit preliminary VAT returns (those with a turnover in the previous year of more than 35,000 Euro).

Please note

Registration with FinanzOnline is carried out in person (by the trader or director) with a tax office. It can also be carried out by an accountant (tax advisor). For sole traders, it is also possible to register using an ID Austria.

Required documents

See "Procedure"

Please note

Do not enclose your pay slips with your income tax return (E 1 or L 1). These are sent to the tax office by the employer or the body paying the pension. You may, however, request copies of your pay slips from your employer or view the pay slips database via FinanzOnline.

In certain cases, additional attachments or enclosures are required (in addition to an income tax return – E1German text (translation assistance E1-UK) and E1aGerman text (translation assistance E1a-UK) or E1a-K):

Costs and fees

There are no fees and charges payable.

Further information

Where it is not possible to enter data via FinanzOnline, all the necessary forms are available in the Forms database ( BMF)German text on the Federal Ministry of Finance website or from any tax office.

Further links

Legal bases

  • Personal tax liability: section 1 of the Einkommensteuergesetz (EStG)
  • Private property sales: section 30 of the EStG
  • Assessment of income subject to wage tax: section 41 of the EStG
  • Request to submit a tax return: section 42 paragraph 1 (1) of the EStG
  • Attachment of the balance sheet and profit-and-loss account: section 44 paragraph 1 of the EStG
  • Deadline extension: section 134 paragraph 2 of the Bundesabgabenordnung (BAO)

Expert information

Income tax guidelines ( BMF)German text
Wage tax guidelines ( BMF)German text

Link to form

Authentication and signature

Electronically: Registration via FinanzOnline with login details, ID Austria or EU login
In paper form: using a signed form

Means of redress or appeal

Once the income tax return has been submitted, the tax office will issue an assessment. If you disagree with the income tax assessment (e.g. if the assessment differs from your return or it includes items that had not yet been precisely determined), you can, within one month of it being issued, submit an appeal against the assessment to the competent tax office, by providing a declaration and justification of the amendments you would like.

Assistance and problem-solving services

There are no assistance or problem-solving services

Other service points

Translated by the European Commission, altered by the Federal Ministry of Finance
Last update: 1 January 2024

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Finance

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