Ausfüllhilfe für den Antrag im ERnP auf Englisch
This application has to be submitted only if you are not already registered in the Austrian Central Register of Residents (CRR). This application must be signed by the applicant personally.
A travel document (ID or national passport) has to be mandatorily attached.
Legal basis:
- section 2 Ergänzungsregisterverordnung 2009
- section 6 paragraph 4 E-Government-Gesetz
Down below, you will find a table with all the mandatory details that have to be filled in according to the ERnP-application form, as well as the terms in German and the corresponding translation in English.
Personal information
Field name in German | Field name in English |
Familienname / Nachname | Surname |
Familienname vor der 1. Eheschließung (soweit vorhanden) | Maiden name / birth name (if applicable) |
Vorname | First name |
Geburtsdatum | Date of birth |
Geburtsstaat | Country of birth |
Geburtsbundesland | Federal province of birth |
Geburtsort | Place of birth |
Staatsangehörigkeit | Nationality |
Geschlecht | Gender |

Travel document (copy of documents is required)
Field name in German | Field name in English |
Dokumentart | Document type |
Dokumentennummer | Document number |
Ausstellungsstaat | Issuing Country |
Ausstellungsdatum | Date of issue |
Ausstellungsbehörde | Issuing authority |

Academic degree (copy of documents required)
Field name in German | Field name in English |
Titel | Title / Academic title |
Ausstellungsstaat | Issuing country |
Ausstellungsdatum | Date of issue |
Ausstellungsbehörde | Issuing authority |

Contact Details
Field name in German | Field name in English |
Staat | Country |
Postleitzahl | Postal code |
Ort/Gemeinde | City / Community |
Straße | Street |
Hausnummer | House number |
Stiege | Stiege / Apartment building |
Tür (Adresszusatz) | Door / Apartment number |
Firmenname | Company name |
Ansprechpartner | Contact person |
Telefonnummer | Phone number |
Mobiltelefonnummer | Mobile phone number |
Fax | Telefax |

Further documents
(optional) Copies of the documents are mandatory, e.g. birth certificate, marriage certificate, certificate of citizienship, driver licence
Document 1
Field name in German | Field name in English |
Dokumentennummer | Document number |
Ausstellungsdatum | Date of issue |
Ausstellungsbehörde | Issuing authority |
Ausstellungsstaat | Issuing country |
(Documents 2 and 3 are analogous)

With abovementioned data I apply to be registered into the supplementary register for natural persons (ERnP).
Bottom of form
Field name in German | Field name in English |
Anzahl der Beilagen | Number of attachments |
Datum | Date |
Eigenhändige Unterschrift | Handwritten signature |

Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Bundeskanzleramt