Assumption of liabilities for tourism and leisure (2014 to 2020)

General information

Liabilities for the tourism and leisure industry can be assumed for the following areas of investment and activity:

  • quality improvement;
  • business-size optimisation, realignment and, under special conditions, new construction;
  • setting up or improving tourist infrastructure facilities;
  • setting up or improving staff accommodation and other facilities for employees;
  • environment- and safety-related facilities and accessibility;
  • business start-ups or takeovers;
  • ERP loans;
  • business stabilisation;
  • equity growth.

Liabilities are assumed per business and per year for borrowed capital from a liability total of at least 100 000 Euro. There is no minimum amount for the ‘business start-up and takeover’ and ‘ERP loans up to 1 million Euro’ investment and action priorities. The maximum liability limit is 4 million Euro.

The maximum liability period is 20 years. The period for capital collateralised with a liability may exceed the liability period.

The liability ratio is a maximum of 80 percent of the borrowed capital provided.

Enterprises affected

Small and medium-sized businesses in tourism and leisure


These rules apply to entrepreneurs from EU Member States in Austria.


Applications can be submitted at any time on the OeHT client portal.

Competent authority

Austrian Hotel and Tourism Bank ( ÖHT)German text
Parkring 12a
1010 Vienna


The application for funding must be submitted to the OeHT, which also administers the remainder of the process, from reviewing the application, through making the decision, to ultimately disbursing the payment. Applications must be submitted via the OeHT client portal.

Required documents

The documents required will be listed on the OeHT’s product page and/or during submission via the OeHT client portal.

Costs and fees

The current costs are listed on the OeHT’s product page.

Legal bases

Directive of the Federal Minister for Labour and Economy on the assumption of liabilities for the tourism and leisure industry (Liability Directive, Haftungs-Richtlinie)

Link to form


Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 5 March 2025

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy

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