Catering business – Change in the type of business activity

General information

When a catering business is first registered, the type of business activity to be carried out by this catering business is defined (e.g. hotel, restaurant, bar). If this type of business activity changes, however, the caterer must report this change to the authority.

The types of catering business activity are not defined by law. Their various forms are defined by economic realities and trade usage.


  • The trade licenceGerman text must cover the services to be rendered under the changed type of business activity.
  • The contents of the type of business activity must be defined.
  • The designation of the type of business activity must not combine two forms which are typically carried out at different times (e.g. restaurant and bar).


No special deadlines need be observed.

Competent authority

Trade authority locally competent for the location of the catering business:


Requests may be made personally, in writing or by electronic means.

Required documents

Brief description of business.

Costs and fees

No fees or taxes are incurred.

Legal bases

sections 111 paragraph 5, 345 of the Gewerbeordnung (GewO)

Last update: 5 March 2025

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy