Commercial funding for tourism: Funding for young entrepreneurs

General information

Support will be provided for investment in tangible and intangible fixed assets, takeover deposit and purchase price in connection with the creation or takeover of a tourist SME.

The costs eligible for funding must be at least 50 000 Euro and no more than 500 000 Euro. The funding consists of a subsidy of up to 7.5 percent of the costs eligible for funding, provided that the respective province issues follow-up funding of at least the same amount.

You can find an overview of the follow-up funding provided by the provinces on the OeHT’s product page.

Enterprises affected

Young entrepreneurs wishing set up or take over an SME in the tourism or leisure sector


These rules apply to entrepreneurs from EU Member States in Austria.


Applications can be submitted at any time on the OeHT client portal.

Competent authority

Austrian Hotel and Tourism Bank ( OeHT)
Parkring 12a
1010 Vienna


The application for funding must be submitted to the OeHT, which also administers the remainder of the process, from reviewing the application, through making the decision, to ultimately disbursing the payment. Applications must be submitted via the OeHT client portal.

Required documents

The documents required will be listed on the  OeHT’s product pag and/or during submission via the OeHT client portal.

Costs and fees

There is generally no charge for the financial assistance applications.

Legal bases

Funding for young entrepreneurs (Young Entrepreneurs Directive – Jungunternehmer-Richtlinie)

Link to form

OeHT client portal

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 5 March 2025

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy

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