GISA-excerpt and information from GISA
table of content
General information
The Trades Information System Austria (GISA) contains the most important business-related data of all trade businesses established in Austria. An interested party can obtain easily information on a trade business's name of owner and company, location and designation of trade licence. For certain data (e.g. place of residence) the requesting party will have to provide a satisfactory explanation for his/her legitimate interest in this information. For data of sole traders not listed in the company register the Trades Information System Austria is currently the only authentic source of information.
No special deadlines need to be observed.
Competent authority
Any district administration:
- District AuthorityGerman Text
- in cities with their own municipal law: Municipal AuthorityGerman text
- in Vienna: Municipal District Office (→ City of Vienna)German text
A request for information can be made personally, in writing or – wherever technically possible – by electronic means.
Authorities are obliged to provide anyone with the data included in the Trades Information System Austria. This data is provided online free of charge by the Federal Ministry for Labor and Economy.
In individual cases it is also possible to submit a request for information online (online-procedure with or without citizen card or mobile phone signature) to the district administration. For individual requests at the district administration please take into account the general information.
For municipalities, authorities and public institutions that need trades information in order to fulfil their legal duties access is provided via the Portal Austria run by the BRZ GmbH.
Required documents
No special documents are necessary.
Costs and fees
There are no stamp fees or federal administrative levies.
Further information
Related Links
Request for information from the Trades Information System Austria (→ BMAW)German text
Legal bases
Sections 365a paragraph 1, 365b paragraph 1 and 365e paragraph 1 of the Gewerbeordnung (GewO)
Link to form
Trade – Trades Information System Austria (GISA) – ExcerptGerman text
Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy