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General information
If a place of business or an additional place of business (branch office) is relocated, this must be reported to the competent trade authority.
In addition, any relocation of the principal place of business or of the headquarters of a legal entity in Austria must be registered with the competent court. If relocation involves a change of the competent court, the currently competent court must inform the newly competent court of this change and enter this fact in the Companies Register. The newly competent court must check whether relocation has proceeded in an orderly manner and whether the company remains duly distinguishable from other companies. If this is the case, the newly competent court will enter relocation and any additional registrations in the Companies Register.
In the case of weaponry, pyrotechnics and blasting companies as well as chimney sweeps, the trade may be exercised in the new place of business only when the official letter of cognisance becomes legally effective.
The report must be received by the trade authority no later than the day on which business is taken up in the new location or in an additional location.
Please note
If the holder of a trade licence fails to report the take-up of business in a new location or in an additional location within the deadline requirement of the trade authority, he/she commits an administrative offence carrying a fine of up to 2,180 Euro.
Competent authority
Trade authority locally competent for the location of the new place of business:
- District AuthorityGerman text
- in cities with their own municipal law: Municipal AuthorityGerman text
- in Vienna: Municipal District Office or Municipal Department MA 63 (→ City of Vienna)German text depending on the trade concerned
Relocation of the place of business may be reported – either with or without the use of an official form – personally, in writing or by electronic means.
An informal report shall include the following information:
- Name and designation of company
- Primary location or location of an additional place of business
- New primary location or new location of an additional place of business
Please note
In certain cases the exercise of a trade in a new location may require facility permits (this is particularly true for facilities likely to constitute risks, nuisance or inconvenience).
Required documents
No special documents are necessary.
Costs and fees
Non-regulated ("free") and regulated trades (including sub-trades):
- Report: free of charge
- Informal notice of entry in the register: free of charge
Further information
The Economic Chamber (→ WKO)German text will be informed by the trade authority of any relocation. No special notification is required.
Legal bases
Section 46 of the Gewerbeordnung 1994 (GewO 1994)
Expert information
Link to form
Please note
Sole proprietorships can use the electronic relocation in the Business Service Portal (USP) to easily inform the trade authority and at the same time the tax office and the municipality about the change of location.
Online-procedure for reporting to the trade authority (no notification to the responsible tax office and the responsible municipality):
Trade – relocationGerman text
Necessary for online procedure: GISA-number (e.g. 123456/g/06/07 – can be found in the GISA-extract and in notifications sent by the trade authority), companies register number or social security number
Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy