Departure managing director under trade law
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General information
Departure of the managing director under trade law must be reported by the holder of the trade licence to the competent authority.
Reported departure will result in the managing director being deleted from the Austrian Business Licence Information System.
Enterprises affected
Any company whose managing director appointed under trade law ceases employment.
Report must be filed, without delay, upon departure.
Competent authority
Trade authority locally competent for the business location in question and/or for the location of additional places of business:
- District AuthorityGerman text
- in cities with their own municipal law: Municipal AuthorityGerman text
- in Vienna: Municipal District Office or Municipal Department MA 63 (→ City of Vienna)German text depending on the trade concerned
Departure of the managing director under trade law may be reported – either with or without the use of an official form – personally, in writing or by electronic means.
An informal report shall include the following information:
- Name and designation of company
- Primary location or location of an additional place of business (branch office)
- GISA-number
- Name of the departing managing director
- Exact date of departure
Required documents
Official ID document
Costs and fees
No fees or taxes are incurred
Further information
Upon departure of the managing director appointed under trade law, legal persons and commercial partnerships must appoint a new managing director under trade law and report this appointment to the competent authority.
The deadlines will be reduced by the competent authority if
- the continued exercise of a trade without managing director constitutes a special risk to human health or life, or
- in the past two years prior to departure of the managing director the trade was carried on without a managing director for an aggregate of more than six months.
Legal bases
Sections 9, 16, 39 and 47 of the Gewerbeordnung (GewO)
Link to form
Managing director – departureGerman text
Necessary for online procedure: GISA-number (e.g. 123456/g/06/07 – can be found in the GISA-extract and in notifications sent by the trade authority), companies register number or social security number
Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy