Closure of a branch office

General information

Cessation of activities in an additional place of business (branch office) must be reported to the competent trade authority.

The reported cessation of activities forms the basis for deleting the entry of this place of business in the Austrian Business Licence Information System (GISA).

Enterprises affected

This applies to businesses intending to cease activities in an additional place of business (branch office).


In general, these regulations also apply to business owners from EU-countries in Austria.


Basically, business activities in a branch office may cease at any time.

The report must be received by the trade authority no later than the day on which business ceases in an additional location.

Please note

If the holder of a trade licence fails to report cessation of business in an additional location within the deadline requirement of the trade authority, he/she commits an administrative offence carrying a fine of up to 2,189 Euro.

Competent authority

Trade authority locally competent for the location of the additional place of business:


Cessation of activities in an additional place of business may be reported – either with or without the use of an official form – personally, in writing or by electronic means.

An informal report shall include the following information:

  • Name of the holder of the trade licence
  • Designation of the trade
  • Location of trade as well as location of the additional place of business
  • GISA-number
  • Date as of which the trade activities will be ceased in the additional place of business

Required documents

No special documents are necessary.

Costs and fees

Non-regulated ("free") and regulated trades (including sub-trades):

No fees or taxes are incurred.

Legal bases

Sections 46 , 345 of the Gewerbeordnung (GewO)

Link to form


Trade – additional place of business – cessation of business activitiesGerman text
Necessary for online procedure: GISA-number (e.g. 123456/g/06/07 – can be found in the GISA extract and in notifications sent by the trade authority), companies register number or social security number

Last update: 3 March 2025

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy

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