Contacting the Tax Authority Austria

Here you will find the address, bank details and other important information relating to the competent tax office.


The contact details below only apply to foreign entrepreneurs. Requests by email for employee assessment cannot be processed by the contact point below. For answers to questions relating to employee assessment, please contact the Tax Authority Austria ( BMF) information centre directly or request information by telephone on +43 (0) 50233 333.


Finanzamt Graz-Stadt
Betriebsveranlagungsteams Ausländerreferate
Conrad von Hötzendorf-Straße 14-18
A-8010 Graz
Telephone: +43 (0) 50 233 333
Fax: +43 (0) 50 233 5938001

Bank details for the Graz-Stadt tax office

Bank details: Republik Österreich
IBAN: AT12 0100 0000 0553 4681 BIC: BUNDATWW

Repayment of credit

For cross-border payments within the European Economic Area, the IBAN and BIC are required in addition to the name and sort code. Repayment cannot be made if these data are not provided in full. In order to complete foreign transfers, it is therefore advisable to always state the financial institution’s IBAN and BIC details or to record these details in the application form in the case of new applications.


All entries must be submitted in German, since, in principle, German is the national and official language in Austria.

Legal bases

Art 8 of the Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz (B-VG)

Persons authorised to represent partnerships

In order to process submissions from partnerships, the tax office needs an 'authorised person' as a contact person. This person can be an appointed director or a shareholder, but also a third person (e.g. professional party representative, for instance a tax consultant or lawyer), who has been named as a common authorised recipient for shareholders in dealings with the tax office. From this point on (in accordance with the provisions of section 101 of the BAO), written notices from the tax office can be sent with effect for all those involved to this person, until the partnership appoints another person as an authorised representative. In order to expedite proceedings, this should be taken into account by partnerships as early as in their initial contact with the tax office.

Legal bases

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 1 January 2025

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Finance

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