VAT rates and tax exemptions

The standard VAT rate is 20 percent. Reduced tax rates apply to certain sales, such as food or letting for residential purposes.

There are also tax exemptions for certain transactions. A distinction is made between genuine exemptions, e.g. for exports to third countries, and non-genuine exemptions, e.g. for insurance, medical services or small businesses.

The main tax rates are

  • the general tax rate of 20 per cent and
  • the reduced tax rates of 10 per cent and 13 per cent.

The 20 per cent tax rate is the standard tax rate in Austria.

Sales in respect of which the tax rate of 10 per cent or 13 per cent is applied are the exception. These are listed in full in section 10 of the Umsatzsteuergesetz.

The 10 per cent tax rate applies, for example, to:

  • Renting for residential purposes
  • Accommodation in furnished living rooms and bedrooms and the ancillary services often associated therewith (including heating)
  • Rental (provision for use) of land for camping purposes
  • Rubbish collection
  • Delivery of books, newspapers, magazines, foodstuffs

The 13 per cent tax rate applies, for example, to:

  • The delivery of living animals, living plants, firewood, etc.
  • Turnover from the activity of an artist
  • Film or circus performances
  • Admission fees for sporting events

Please note

The European Commission provides information on the tax rates of EU member states in the "Taxes in Europe ( EC)" database.

Further links

Rz 1161 and following of the UStR 2000

Legal bases

Section 10 of the Umsatzsteuergesetz (UStG)

The Umsatzsteuergesetz (UStG) makes a distinction between genuine and non-genuine tax exemptions. For genuine tax exemption, the right to input tax deduction remains unaffected, such as, for example, in the case of:

In the case of non-genuine tax exemption, there is no right to an input tax deduction, such as, for example, in the case of:

  • turnover of small company owners
  • monetary and banking transactions (e.g. the granting of credit) as well as the management of special funds
  • sale of land
  • certain commercial rentals ( BMF)German text
  • services of an insurance agent
  • medical and paramedical services (e.g. services as a physician, midwife, psychotherapist, massage therapist, freelancers within the meaning of section 7 paragraph 1 in conjunction with section 1 (1) to (7) of the MTD-Gesetz)
  • educational services provided by certain private schools and other general education or vocational training establishments
  • certain sales of childminders or foster parents
  • sales of hospitals, sanatoria, nursing homes as well es homes for the aged, homes for the blind and infirmaries

Option to waive the application of this exemption

It should be noted that in the case of some non-genuine tax exemptions, such as, for example, the supply of immoveable property, there is a legal option to waive the application of this exemption and to treat own services/turnover as taxable through this option. If the tax exemption is waived the standard 20 per cent tax rate is to be used and the input tax deduction is available. Exercising the option does not require any special declaration to the tax office. Appropriate treatment in the preliminary VAT return or in the VAT return suffices.

Further links

Information on the option to waive the appliaction of tax exemption for renting and leasing and on the input tax adjustment period for real property (→ BMF)German text

Legal bases

  • section 6 of the Umsatzsteuergesetz (UStG)
  • waiver of tax exemption: section 6 paragraph 2 of the Umsatzsteuergesetz (UStG)
  • waiver of tax exemption for letting and leasing of immoveable property and for services provided by commonhold associations: section 6 paragraph 1 (16) and (17) in conjunction with section 6 paragraph 2 of the UStG
  • input VAT deduction: section 12 of the UStG
Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 1 January 2025

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Finance

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