Social security – EEA

General information

Posted workers are generally subject to the social security regulations of the sending country, provided the following conditions are met:

  • The person must have been subject to the legal provisions of the sending state for at least one month immediately prior to the posting.
  • the expected duration of the posting is no more than 24 months;
  • the worker is not being posted to take over from another posted worker;
  • the posting is carried out at the expense of the posting company;
  • the sending company carries out a significant activity in the sending country.

Benefits in kind, i.e. medical treatment at the expense of the relevant health insurer in the sending country is granted temporarily by the relevant service providers in the country of employment on presentation of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) (→ or, in the case of relocation, the S1 certificate.

Please note

The relevant insurance company of a worker with a planned posting issues them with an A1 certificate as proof of the application of the social security legislation of the sending country.


After the 24 months of the posting have elapsed, it may be possible, under certain conditions, to obtain an extension for up to a maximum of five years (in total) by means of an exceptional agreement to be concluded between the relevant authorities of the States concerned.

Competent authority

  • To issue A1 and S1 certificates: the social security agency of the sending country.
  • To conclude exceptional agreements: the relevant authority of the sending state and the country of employment. 

Further information

The Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection ( BMSGPK) can provide further Information.

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 3 February 2025

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection

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