Citizens of EU/EEA countries


Citizens of the EU Member States and EEA Member States of Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein have free access to the Austrian labour market and therefore do not require authorisation to start work from the labour market authorities (they enjoy freedom of movement for workers).


  • spouses or registered partners,
  • own direct relatives and the direct relatives of their spouses or registered partners in the descending line below the age of 21 (children, grandchildren) and above that age if they are dependants, and
  • own direct relatives and the direct relatives of their spouses or registered partners in the ascending line if they are dependants (parents, grandparents)

who accompany or join them also have free access to the Austrian labour market – irrespective of nationality – and they can have this confirmed by the AMS. In order to apply for confirmation, the form “Confirmation of exception pursuant to section 3 paragraph 8German text is used.

With regard to access to the Austrian labour market, Swiss nationals are also treated as EU/EEA citizens from the older Member States.

Please note

EU/EEA citizens and Swiss nationals must apply for the issuance of a so-called registration certificate from the competent Austrian immigration authority within three months of settling in Austria.

Information on the right to settle under EU law can be found on our websites in the section “Residence in Austria”.

When implementing transitional arrangements, Austria is obliged to give preference to new EU citizens over third-country nationals when admitting workers to the labour market (Community preference), in implementation of the Ausländerbeschäftigungsgesetz (AuslBG).

Detailed information can be found on the migration portal of the Austrian Federal Government.


Confirmation of exception pursuant to section 3 paragraph 8 AusländerbeschäftigungsgesetzGerman text

Further links

Legal basis

Ausländerbeschäftigungsgesetz (AuslBG)

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 1 January 2025

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy

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