Radiation protection registers

General information

The central radiation protection registers have been in operation since 2006. This has made it possible to comply with the reporting obligations under radiation protection law online. Since 2020, reporting has to be done online via the Central Radiation Protection Register [Zentrale Strahlenschutzregister]. The radiation protection registers can be accessed both by those obliged to report and by authorities within the scope of their jurisdiction.

The registers are operated by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology.

Access to the central radiation protection registers is provided at strahlenregister.gv.at ( BMK)German text (Central Dose Register [Zentrales Dosisregister]) and edm.gv.at ( BMK)German text (Central Source Register [Zentrales Quellenregister]). After registration of the person responsible for registration/reporting, the access authorisation is checked and access is activated. A description of the procedure can be found at strahlenschutz.gv.at ( BMK)German text.

The Central Register of Radiation Sources

The notification obligations comprise : 

  • Holders of a radiation protection licence 
  • Holders of type approval
  • Users of type-approved equipment.

Notification is required for sealed radioactive sources, abandoned (i.e. found) sources and type-approved devices.

Holders of a type approval have the obligation to give notification about the placing on the market of such devices. This includes the notification that the device is transferred to the user. However, this notification must be made immediately and covers not only equipment containing radioactive substances but also pure X-ray equipment.

The user of a type-approved device are obligated to administer it in the Central Source Register ( BMK)German text. This includes reports of a receipt and the transfer, if radioactive sources are contained, also of the shipment, the disposal as radioactive waste and a loss or theft.

Licence holders who carry out practices with radioactive sources must report the following in the Central Source Register:

  • the production,
  • the import,
  • the return to the manufacturer or supplier,
  • passing on within Austria,
  • shipment abroad,
  • disposal as radioactive waste and
  • loss or theft.

The Central Dose Register

The Central Dose Register ( BMK)German text stores the results of physical and medical checks on exposed workers.

Data from physical monitoring are transferred from the approved dosimetric service to the Central Dose Register ( BMK)German text. These are, for example, results of personal dosimetry, incorporation monitoring or dose determination for flying personnel. A prerequisite is that the holder of the radiation protection licence has passed on the complete data for the company and the exposed worker to the dosimetric service.

Approved physicians, occupational health services and hospitals that perform examinations according to the Radiation Protection Ordinance will transfer the results of the health assessment to the database.

Holders of a licence for the employment of external personnel will have access to the Central Dose Register. This is required to apply for and administer radiation protection passports online (for example, registration of the monthly dose balance). This radioation protection passport is now only obligatory for external workers working abroad and can now also be issued for category A or B exposed workers.

Enterprises affected

Holders of radiation protection licences who employ exposed workers must arrange for the determination of the personal dose and (for exposed persons in Category A) for the assessment of their health suitability. This also applies to companies that are obliged to determine doses due to increased radiation exposure during work with natural radioactive substances or due to radon at the workplace. The transfer of the data to the Central Dose Register ( BMK)German text is carried out by the approved dosimetric service.

If a licence holder intends to use workers in foreign-controlled or monitored areas abroad, a radiation protection passport must be applied for.

Each licence holder who holds sealed radioactive substances is obliged to report to the Central Source Register ( BMK)German text. Anyone who intends to transport sealed radioactive substances from abroad to Austria or from Austria to another country is also required to notify the Central Source Register (see chapter "Shipment of radioactive substances").

The marketing of type-approved equipment (also pure X-ray equipment) must be recorded immediately in the Central Source Register ( BMK)German text by the holder of the type-approval. The user must be registered in the system in order to administer the equipment (and, if applicable, the radioactive source) in the Central Source Register. A notification obligation exists in the case of purchase, transfer, return to the manufacturer or the holder of the type approval, shipment, disposal as radioactive waste, loss or theft.


Registration in the Central Source Register

  • as a holder of a radiation protection licence
  • as a holder of a type approval
  • as a user of a type-approved device

Registration in the Central Dose Register

  • as a holder of a licence for work carried out by external workers, provided that this work is carried out abroad and the external workers require radiation protection passports
  • as an approved dosimetric service
  • as an approved physician

Competent authority

The radiation protection registers are kept by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology ( BMK).

Contact: strahlenregister@bmk.gv.at


The use of the Central Radiation Protection Register does not require any official procedure – apart from the one-time registration and activation by the competent authority.

Registration is carried out at strahlenregister.gv.at ( BMK)German text (Central Dose Register) or edm.gv.at ( BMK)German text (Central Source Register).

Costs and fees

The use of the central radiation protection registers is free of charge.

Further information

Legal bases

Protection from radon at the workplace:

Expert information

Last update: 1 January 2025

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology