Fixed-term employment relationship

General information

Employment relationships that have been concluded for a fixed term (fixed-term employment relationships) end at the end of the term. The parties to the contract for services are essentially free to enter into a fixed-term employment relationship.


Repeatedly stringing together fixed-term employment relationships (so-called chain employment relationships) leads to a permanent employment relationship if no objective reason exists for this repeated use of fixed-term contracts.

If an employment relationship is concluded for a defined period of time, the end of the employment relationship must be indicated in the notice of employment.

Information obligation

The employer must inform employees with fixed-term employment relationships of permanent employment relationships that become available in the undertaking or establishment. The information can be published via a general announcement at an appropriate place in the undertaking or enterprise that is easily accessible to employees.

Please note

In general, these rules also apply to EU Citizens and entrepreneurs from EU Member States in Austria.

Enterprises affected

Undertakings that conclude fixed-term employment relationships.

Further information

Occasional, fixed-term and permanent employment relationships ( ÖGK)German text

Legal bases

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 16 January 2025

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy

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