Chartered accountants – Office continuity

General information

Persons entitled to continue the business and intending to continue the business of a deceased licence holder’s office must file a request to this end.

The Austrian Chamber of Tax Advisors and Public Accountants (Kammer der Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer) must approve office continuity if the relevant requirements are met. It must inform the requesting party of its approval or prohibition of office continuity by issuing an official decision.


Persons entiteled and intending to continue the business must appoint a substitute or file a request to be appointed the Austrian Chamber of Tax Advisors and Public Accountants (Kammer der Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer) without delay, at the latest four weeks after the day of death.

Competent authority

Austrian Chamber of Tax Advisors and Public Accountants ( KSW)German text

Required documents

  • Proof of identity of the person entiteled and intending to continue the business
  • all documents proofing the right to continue the business
  • written agreement with the appointed substitute about the continuation of the business
  • a pecuniary damage liability insurance

Legal bases

Sections 119 and 120 paragraph 5 of the Wirtschaftstreuhandberufsgesetz (WTBG)

Last update: 5 March 2025

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy