Fuel stations – price marking
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General information
In general, these regulations also apply to traders from EU Member States in Austria.
Operators of fuel stations must display prices for:
- standard and premium grade petrol fuel; and
- diesel fuel.
Prices must be displayed in such a way that road users with motor vehicles can, when approaching the fuel station at the corresponding reduced speed, easily read and attribute the prices whilst still on the carriageway.
Exception: fuel stations operated in conjunction with a garage are exempt from this price marking obligation if they only provide fuel to users of the garage and do not advertise the sale of fuel, in particular by refraining from displaying a sign that says ‘fuel station’.
Enterprises affected
Retailers of vehicle fuel (fuel stations)
Not applicable
Competent authority
Compliance with this obligation is monitored by:
- the competent district administrative authority German text
- specially qualified bodies in each province.
Further information
The purpose of this price marking obligation is to provide information to road users with motor vehicles.
The district administrative authoritiesGerman text are responsible for ensuring compliance with this price marking obligation and for initiating administrative penalty proceedings.
Legal bases
- sections 3 para. 1, 5, 14 no. 1 Preisauszeichnungsgesetz (PrAG)
- section 5 Verordnung betreffend Preisauszeichnung für bestimmte Leistungen und für Treibstoffe bei Tankstellen
Expert information
Pricing policy (→ BMAW) German text
Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy