Management accountant – Exemption from the examination

General information

Persons who have already passed certain contents of an examination comparable to the written part of the professional examination are exempted from taking the contents within the written part of the professional examination. The competent authority has to decide on the exemption by notice. Exemption from an examination must be requested from the competent authority.

Persons who have already got an authorisation as commercial accountant or payroll accountant are exempted from the contents of the professional examination for management accountants that they are allowed to carry out because of their authorisation. The contents are defined in the Bilanzbuchhaltungsberufe-Prüfungsordnung 2014 (BB-PO 2014).


Request for exemption from an examination


No special deadlines need to be observed.

Competent authority

The President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber / Office of the Management Accountancy Authority ( WKO)German text (Der Präsident der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich / Geschäftsstelle Bilanzbuchhaltungsbehörde)

Please note

Complaints will be decided by the federal administrative court ( Landesverwaltungsgericht) in question.


The request may be submitted personally or in writing in German to the competent authority.

Required documents

Supporting documents concerning the examination already passed and where the content of which is comparable to the professional examination.

Legal bases

Link to form

Management Accountant - Exemption from examinationGerman text

Last update: 4 March 2025

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy