Hazardous chemicals
The chemicals law lays down in its legislation
- chemical manufacturers
- importers
- users or
- processing companies
obligations when dealing with chemicals.
These rules apply to all natural and legal persons who place or make chemicals available on the market or use chemicals in Austria.
Chemicals are regulated within the European Union by the REACH and the CLP Regulation:
- REACH stands for the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals.
- CLP stands for the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures.
Entrepreneurs have further legal requirements concerning biocides, trading in toxic substances, poison control officers, fluorinated greenhouse gases, the Halon Bank, chemical leasing, bans on chemicals, and nanomaterials.
Further links
- Extensive information on chemical policy in Austria (→ BMK)German text
- Chem News: Current priorities in chemical policy (→ BMK)German text
- Austrian REACH helpdesk: Information on REACH and CLP (→ BMK)German text
- SCIP database: Notification requirements for hazardous chemicals in articles (→ BMK)German text
- App Scan4Chem: Information obligation of entrepreneurs (→ BMK)German text
Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology