Annual waste management sheet − Records

General information

Waste collectors and operators of waste treatment facilities that are subject to recording requirements must keep records on the type, quantity, origin, and whereabouts of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes.

The electronic recording system must include interfaces in order that defined extracts or summaries of the data can be collected and, if necessary, sent to the authority.

The records have to be kept for seven years.

Please note

The records constitute the basis for the notification of the annual waste balance [Jahresabfallbilanzmeldung] by waste collectors and operators of waste treatment facilities. In particular for "small" Landfill owner, a software is available on the, which can basically also be used by "small-scale" waste collectors.

Please note

Also waste generators who treat waste accumulating in their own company themselves have to keep records as regards this waste treatment and have to report an annual waste balance sheet. If the waste is treated at the same site where it accumulated, recording in a paper format is sufficient. The notification of the annual waste balance sheet has to be made electronically via

Please note

The recording obligation of carriers of hazardous waste can be fulfilled by collecting and keeping the waybills; carriers are not subject to the obligation of keeping records with respect to non-hazardous waste.

Entrepreneurs registered in the Business Service Portal USP have the possibility to use and many other online proceduresGerman text with one single logging into the USP. More detailed information on the registration in the USP is available in the online guidance on USP registrationGerman text.

Enterprises affected

Waste collectors and operators of waste treatment facilities.


The collection or treatment of waste by persons subject to recording requirements as specified in section 17 of the Abfallwirtschaftsgesetz (Waste Management Act – AWG).


If the competent body requests the submission of extracts or summaries of the records, these documents have to be provided to the competent body within an appropriate period to be set by the competent body, via the defined interface via

Further information for the deadlines concerning the submission of a waste balance report can also be found under Notification of the Annual Waste Balance (inclusive blanc report) on USP.

Competent authority

The waste management authority which is in charge of the premises and of the waste collector or the waste treatment facility:


The records have to be presented to the competent body upon request. Upon request, extracts or summaries of the records have to be sent to that body via the defined interface.
Basically, the following procedures have to be recorded:

  • Takeovers of waste from another legal person
  • In-house waste movements
  • Transfers of waste to another legal person
  • Stocks
  • Re-assignment to waste types

In particular, the following data are required every time:

  • Type of booking
  • Indication of dates
  • Information on origin and whereabouts
  • Type of waste
  • Volume of waste (in kg)
  • Treatment procedure

Required documents

The records can be taken in any form. Upon request from the authority, extracts and summaries from the records have to be submitted to the competent authority as XML file via the register. The necessary data and the required file format for the electronic transmission have been published on

Further information for the documents concerning the submission of a waste balance report see can also be found under Notification of the Annual Waste Balance (inclusive blanc report) on USP.

Costs and fees

No tariffs or duties have to be paid.

Further information ( BMK)

Legal bases

Last update: 22 January 2024

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology