Points of Single Contact (PSC)

In Austria, the Points of Single Contact were established as a result of transposing the EU Services Directive into national law. Nine regional and one federal services laws appoint the "Ämter der Landesregierung" (regional government offices) as Points of Single Contact. The Point of Single Contact forwards requests to the respective authority with deadlines for decision making starting three days after the request was received by the Point of Single Contact. This service is free of charge.

The Point of Single Contact represents a one-stop-shop for the provision of services and contributes to the reduction of administrative burdens and the streamlining of administrative procedures. It is not a public authority and therefore cannot produce legally binding decisions.

The Point of Single Contact

  • offers general and current information on the provision of services and
  • accepts written requests and forwards them to the respective public authority/office.

Additionally, service providers as well as recipients of services are provided with information on public authorities, registers and data bases, means of legal redress as well as organisations and associations.

The Point of Single Contact-website gives an overview over the necessary steps and enables service providers to complete administrative formalities electronically.


Article 57 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union defines "Services" as activities "normally provided for remuneration, in so far as they are not governed by the provisions relating to freedom of movement for goods, capital and persons". Exceptions are defined in § 3 of the federal services law.

Last update: 4 March 2025

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy