Exemptions from protection rules
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General information
In order to prevent any risk to human health or life, or to prevent any impact on the environment, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy may issue ordinances defining protection rules. Such an ordinance may define measures to be complied with by traders in the exercise of their trade.
These measures may include:
- Measures concerning the equipment of places of business,
- Measures concerning the goods made or sold in these places of business or the sale of which is arranged there,
- Measures concerning the equipment or other items ready for use in these places,
- Measures concerning the services provided.
Please note
Exemptions (derogations) from these protection rules may be granted by official decision upon request.
In general, these regulations also apply to business owners from EU-countries in Austria.
The measures derogating from the protection rules must have the same protective effect.
No special deadlines need be observed.
Competent authority
Trade authority locally competent for the business location in question:
- District AuthorityGerman text
- in cities with their own municipal law: Municipal AuthorityGerman text
- in Vienna: → Municipal District Offices or Municipal Department MA 63German text
If the measures only relate to the exercise of a trade in an additional place of business, the request must be submitted to the trade authority which is competent for this other place of business.
Requests may be made personally, in writing or by electronic means.
The request must include an appropriate statement of reasons and/or indicate the substitute measures to be taken.
Required documents
No special documents are necessary.
Legal bases
Section 69 paragraph 5 of the Gewerbeordnung 1994 (GewO 1994)
Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy