Pharmacists – Declaration of temporary services
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General information
Prior to the first provision of temporary pharmaceutical services in Austria the service provider must submit a written declaration to the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists. This declaration shall be renewed once a year if the service provider intends to provide temporary or occasional services in Austria during that year.
The temporary and occasional nature of the provision of services shall be assessed case by case, in particular in relation to its duration, its frequency, its regularity and its continuity. Knowledge of the German language as necessary for practicing the pharmacist’s profession is required.
Regular pharmacist’s activities in Austria are not classified as a temporary provision of services but require the award of the general professional authorization according to section 3b of the Apothekengesetz.
Evidence of the pharmacist’s qualifications issued by an EU or EEA Member State or Switzerland and nationality of an EU or EEA Member State or Switzerland
Competent authority
Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists
Spitalgasse 31
1090 Vienna
Declaration: in person, by post or by electronic means
Preliminary proceedings: if necessary prior check of the pharmaceutical qualifications, and, if necessary, aptitude test before granting of the authorization to provide temporary professional services
Length of proceedings: In case of automatic recognition, the authorization can be granted directly after the written declaration. If a prior check of the qualifications is needed, the process may take up to two months.
Legal remedy: An appeal against a decision may be filed within four weeks from the delivery of the decision. The appeal has to be submitted to the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists, 1090 Vienna, Spitalgasse 31, in writing, by fax (+43/1/408 84 40) or by e-mail ( in pdf-format or another format compatible with Microsoft Office.
Required documents
- Evidence of nationality
- Evidence of professional qualifications issued by an EU or EEA Member State or Switzerland
- Attestation issued by the competent authority of the country of origin certifying that the holder is legally established in that Member State for the purpose of pursuing the activities of a pharmacist and that she/he is not prohibited from practising the pharmaceutical profession, even temporarily, at the moment of delivering the attestation
- Declaration about the applicant’s German knowledge as necessary for practicing the pharmacist’s profession
- Information on details of insurance cover or other means of personal or collective protection with regard to professional liability
All documents and certificates must be submitted in German or English, either as an original or as a copy authenticated by a court or a notary public. Only translations by a certified court translator are accepted. Non-authenticated copies or untranslated documents are not accepted as evidence. Except from the evidence of professional qualifications, documents must not be older than three months.
After processing, all original documents will be returned immediately.
Costs and fees
Legal bases
- Apothekengesetz
- section 18 of the Pharmazeutische Fachkräfteverordnung
Responsible for the content: Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists